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Super Bowl 2012

By February 2, 2012November 25th, 2019One Comment

Like most football fans around the country, we at Fanimation are getting ready for Super Bowl Sunday and looking forward to the excitement that always surrounds America’s most loved sporting event. However, unlike most Super Bowl Sundays, we will be hosting this year’s party in our own back yard. Yes, that’s right, Super Bowl is being held in Indianapolis and we couldn’t be more proud of the way our city has rolled out the red carpet and opened its doors to welcome thousands of out-of-town visitors and big time celebrities.

From first hand experience of Super Bowl village, we can tell you that Indianapolis pulled out all the stops to make this event one of the most memorable in the city’s history. From the zipline with its 95-foot launch tower and aerial view of Super Bowl village to the NFL Experience which allows football fans of all ages to mingle with NFL athletes and emulate the football tactics of their favorite players, Indianapolis started a thrilling weekend with one impressive kick-off.

After working up a sweat zipping over rooftops and throwing footballs, visitors to Indianapolis can enjoy the gastronomic delights that Indianapolis has to offer. Most downtown restaurants have expanded their cooking and wait staffs to accommodate the Super Bowl crowd and visitors will not be disappointed with the impressive variety of food our city is serving. Among our most favorite downtown restaurants are Mo’s, Harry & Izzy’s, St. Elmo’s, Mesh and Chatham Tap. It’s true, Hoosiers really do like to eat meat and potatoes and many of our favorites specialize in steak.

If you need a break from the downtown festivities, Fanimation’s Antique Fan Museum is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We are located in Zionsville, Indiana and rumor has it that Will Smith and Adam Sandler will be staying in our beautiful city. So, you can get your fix of antique browsing and celeb spotting all in one location!

For more information on Super Bowl events and up to the minute reports on everything related to this momentous occasion, please visit the following sites: Indy Star, Indianapolis Super Bowl, WTHR, Fanimation Antique Fan Museum.

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