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Here at Fanimation, we are jumping at the bit for September 18, 2013 to arrive.  We can hardly wait to celebrate the first annual National Ceiling Fan Day (“NCFD”) by powering off our air conditioners and relying solely on fans.  The concept originated with our very own Teal Cracraft.  We invited everyone to join our cause by turning off their central cooling systems and relying on ceiling, floor, desk and wall fans to save trillions of kilowatt hours of energy consumption. We have received more support than we ever anticipated!  It seems like everyone who learns about NCFD has rallied behind this momentous Day.  More than 20 ceiling fan manufacturers, the American Lighting Association (ALA), and leading energy conservation groups have spread the NCFD message. The Home Depot and Lowe’s Companies, Inc. have hopped on board too.  Competitors have worked hand in hand to make NCFD a success.  We also received support from Fanimation retailers all across the country.

In addition, these leading advocates in energy efficiency didn’t hesitate to offer their backing: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), ENERGY STAR®, U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), Alliance to Save Energy (ASE), Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (MEEA), and others. With the help of these various partners and unity within the industry the Day has evolved into a nationwide campaign that will forever leave a footprint on energy consumption in America.  Together, we are set to reach millions of Americans.

If every American participates in NCFD by turning off their air conditioning and using fans for their cooling needs, the United States would save over three trillion kilowatt hours of energy consumption. That is enough energy to power the entire city of New York for months.  Not only is using a ceiling fan good for the environment, it’s good for your checkbook, too. Operating a fan can cost as little as $3 per month. That is quite a savings compared to $130+ per month to run an AC unit in a typical home.  We invite you to save even more energy by using an ENERGY STAR certified ceiling fan when celebrating NCFD.  Please, spread the word, tell your friends, get on Facebook/Twitter, and let’s make a real impact on reducing energy consumption on September 18, 2013!   #NCFD