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Going Green in our Warehouse

By May 27, 2010November 25th, 2019No Comments

At Fanimation, we always try to be as environmentally conscious as possible.  As part of our continued efforts to green our corporate headquarters, we recently completely revamped our warehouse lighting system by replacing all 1000-watt metal halide lights with T5 fluorescent lights.

T5 fluorescent lights are more environmentally friendly than metal halide lights because they use significantly less energy to operate.  A comparison done by the Performance Consulting Group, LLC showed that a single-lamp metal halide fixture drew 455 watts to operate while a four-lamp T5 fixture drew only 235 watts to operate.  (Metal Halide vs. T5 Fluorescent Fixture Comparison;

The T5 fluorescent lights come with numerous energy and cost saving benefits, such as instant start, low profile, extended light output, better quality and more evenly distributed lighting and cost savings.  We estimate that our  decision to install T5 lighting will result in a 55-60% energy reduction in our warehouse over the course of the next year.

Although our team at Fanimation has always been on the cutting edge of environmentally safe technology, as evidenced by our numerous Energy Star rated fans, we are also committed to making our corporate headquarters as environmentally friendly as possible.  The use of energy saving lights in our warehouse is just one more example of our tireless efforts to reduce our carbon footprint.